Monday, November 8, 2010

DIY - Baby Leg Warmers

Mia had her nine month pictures taken this weekend.  My how time is flying! She wore an adorable little sweater dress from Frances and to complete the look, I made a flower headband and legwarmers.  Easy peasy for a completed look! J If only I had someone to accessorize me. L

Ok, I didn’t really “make” the headband.  I removed a flower that my Grandma crocheted onto a hat she made me (the one that Mia wore for Halloween) and sewed it onto an adult Goodie headband. 

And “making” leg warmers is a lot easier than it sounds.  I used another super quick and easy Samster Mommy tutorial to whip up a few pairs.  Adult socks are way cheaper than baby leg warmers and I’m all about bargain hunting! Here's Mia modeling a pair last month. I don't know how much longer her big thighs will fit in them!

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