Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Family Photo Shoot

As Halloween approaches, the beautiful fall colors are quickly disappearing and temperatures are dropping.  A few more weeks and it’ll be bare trees and warm coats! Before we know it Thanksgiving will pass and Christmas will be upon us.  But before all that happens, I took advantage of the decent weekend to take pictures outside.  I was so excited when my dear friend asked me to take Christmas pictures for her family!  Finally!  Some free practice (other than Doug, Mia, Ryu, Kira and my food)!  I’ve also offered up free party/wedding planning services, but no one has taken me up on that.  So until then, I’ll practice my photog skills.

This was my first time (formally) taking pictures of other people.  I was a little nervous at first, but knowing each other for 24 years eased the anxiety.  I also felt better since I included the disclaimer that if they don’t turn out, then at least you still have some time to get them professionally done J  Being a U of I alum, it was tough to look at them, but you can't discriminate against clients, right? Here are two good ones, but I don’t want to spoil their Christmas card!

My sister in law also asked me to do their Christmas pictures this year.  Yay, people think I have talent! I'm honored. Stay tuned for those pictures to come next month!


  1. You doo have talent! I love your photos mama stuart!

  2. aww these are so cute! So does our photo shoot in LA not count as "formal"!?!?


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